PDB Statistics: PDB Data Distribution by Residue Count

Distribution of released structures by the number of residues in macromolecules. All residues specified in macromolecular chains (i.e. full sequence) are counted even if not all of them are observed in the structure.

Chart is currently loading
Residue Count RangeNumber of Entries
< 10014,675
100 - 20026,647
200 - 30027,669
300 - 40029,541
400 - 50018,975
500 - 60015,500
600 - 70012,376
700 - 8009,328
800 - 9008,969
900 - 10006,798
1000 - 11005,397
1100 - 12004,399
1200 - 13004,008
1300 - 14003,886
1400 - 15003,482
1500 - 16002,996
1600 - 17002,197
1700 - 18001,984
1800 - 19001,926
>= 190027,180